Now is the time to save each other, together
There are several ways for individuals to support the Saving Each Other Together project, including hanging Guru Rinpoche prayer flags and placing tsatsas (figurines). Both are available via donation to this campaign. When donating through this site, you can select your contribution and how you would like to participate.
- Hang prayer flags. $20 suggested donation per set.
- Place tsatsa. $40 suggested donation per tsatsa.
- Place tsatsa and hang prayer flags. $60 suggested donation per bundle.
- Of course, you can make a donation even if you don't care to receive a prayer flag or tsatsa.
Other ways to join the movement include:
- Financial support. One hundred percent of the proceeds will benefit future Drupchens and actions to support this project
- Recite the "Spontaneous Fulfillment of Wishes" prayer and Guru Rinpoche mantra. You can download the prayer and mantra at Spontaneous Fulfillment of Wishes" is a prayer in Tibetan Buddhism believed to bring blessings. It is a supplication to Guru Rinpoche and is said to be particularly effective in preventing natural disasters and calamities. The prayer is often recited during times of environmental crises, and it is considered to be an essential part of the prevention measures outlined in the Tibetan Buddhist prophecy for the coming years. The Guru Rinpoche Mantra is a sacred mantra in Tibetan Buddhism used to invoke Guru Rinpoche's blessings. The mantra is "Om Ah Hung Benza Guru Pema Siddhi Hung." Please submit the number of recitations you have accumulated on
- Learn more about the Saving Each Other Together project at